Smiths Detection Americas

Smiths Detection Inc.

Special Security Agreement
Smiths Detection Inc. has been established to distinguish its operations from its foreign parent through a Special Security Agreement (SSA) between the U.S. Government, the foreign parents (Smiths Group plc, Smiths Detection Group, ltd., and Smiths Detection US, LLC) and Smiths Detection Inc. Under the agreement Smiths Detection Inc. has outside directors who, in conjunction with other U.S. based board members, make up a Government Security Committee. The Government Security Committee is responsible for oversight of the corporation’s compliance with U.S. Government Security and Export regulations, and meets regularly with the Defense Security Service (DSS).  Smiths Detection Inc. is responsible for the execution of specialized products and programs for agencies such as the US Department of Defense and Homeland Security Agencies.”

Working with small business

SDI promotes small businesses as engines of new ideas and innovation.  As a US Government Prime Contractor, SDI establishes goals to ensure we promote opportunities to contract with Small Businesses, Woman Owned, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB), Minority Owned Businesses and we participate in a DoD mentor-protégé program to foster technology advancements.

 Contact us to learn more about becoming a Technology or Supplier Partner

Technology Partner Inquiry, Americas 

Supplier Partner Inquiry, Americas 


T: +00 1 (0) 800 297 0955 (Toll Free)
T: +00 1 (0) 410 612 4000 (Main)
F: +00 1 (0) 410-510-9500 (Service Fax)